Thursday, 30 October 2014

Making Your Adult Web Marketing Better With 7 Social Media Psychology Studies

Social media is changing the manner in which we share information, form our identities and relate to one another. There are a few social media psychology studies that reveal the ways in which adult website marketing can become smarter and better. Let's take a deeper look into these crucial studies - 

1. Being Conscious About your Posts – Its quite common for almost all of us to feel bit uneasy before publishing something new. While sometimes it may lead to an innovative breakthrough, at other times, you may think of changing your mind. Its a fact that when people feel their audience to be hard to define, they tend to self-censor more. In such situation, its recommended that you should try developing persona if you want to get a better understanding of your audience.

2. Effect of Sharing Emotions Online – In person-to-person settings, emotions can be contagious. For example, a study done to analyze the emotional content of Facebook posts on rainy days revealed that gloomy rainy day emotions were being transmitted among friends. Also it was found that even positivity is more contagious. To have the best marketing results, ensure that your messaging is positive so that customers are happy.

3. Impact of Profile Picture – Its rightly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. A recent research has proved that we draw conclusions about different people by judging them on the basis of their profile picture; amazingly it takes less than a second to arrive at a conclusion. Research has proved that even a slight variation in the facial expression can dramatically change the way in which the image is perceived. So, its recommended to test your profile picture first on professional social networks.

4. Sharing Selectively Depends on Demographics – Around 24% of global social media users share almost everything online, while 19% share nothing. Its been found that people with the over-sharing tendency are more in countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America while the under-sharing tendency was more in people in European countries. So, for a better know-how about the social sharing of your content, you need to consider the demographics.

5. Getting Social Feedback – Social networking sites like Facebook give immediate reminders to people about their social relationships besides allowing them communicate whenever they like to. Research has also proved that users get to feel more connected by actively participating on social media sites and getting responses. So, you should devote some time to join suitable conversations where you can add some value.

6. Arousal Leading to Social Sharing – Its already known that a content that arouses  strong feelings is more prone to sharing. Emotional arousal effectively activates our nervous system that further gets us all fired up. Sharing offers the way to get released from this state. So, you need to awe your targeted audience with usefulness, or you can also use a captivating story to bowl them over.

7. Talking About Ourselves –
We all love talking to our inner selves. It has been revealed by studies that around 80% social media posts are related to announcements about the immediate experiences different people undergo at different time periods. For best results, marketers need to work on building more strong advocates and talking less about ourselves.

Monday, 13 October 2014

How To Use Pinterest In Your Adult Online Marketing Plan : 6 Ways

An effective social networking tool, Pinterest allows users share images of their choice. No doubt, Pinterest is indeed one of the quickest growing social networking sites; whats more impressive is that Pinterest users spend double the amount as to what is spent by Facebook users. Its quite easy to use and there are multiple ways in which you can make use of it for effective adult online marketing. Let's take a look at number of ways through which you can use it in your adult online marketing plan -

1. Engage New Users : Pinterest is quite similar to Twitter as sharing something works the same way as does re-tweeting. Using Pinterest, you can pin, comment and share images that will drive traffic, generate better leads and boost sales. When you share content, you are not only interacting with current followers but also exposing your pins to more & more people. People will view your details below your pin to accordingly visit your homepage.

2. Develop Useful Content : Creating interesting content is an art. However, you can always search the internet for sharable images besides using the engaging content available on other social networking sites for the same. You can also use the visuals available on some bookmarking sites for incorporating in your Pinterest board.

3. Open Opportunities for Inviting People : You can open boards to other Pinterest users to boost user interaction as this may include your potential customers into your marketing campaign. You can gain a real insight into what the users are experiencing when you ask them to pin content on the board. You can also create a tribute pin-board by selecting some of your preferred pinners.

4. Use for Market Research : You need to make note of what your customers are following. Alternatively, you can also create an open board based on a particular theme and encourage followers to fill relevant images in it. This will provide you better insight into different images & visuals that your customers are finding inspiring.

5. Establish Communication with Followers : For this, you need to maintain an active profile. Interacting with followers in a positive manner will maintain & improve your existing relations. When everyone you follow is notified of all your activities, then there are maximum chances that they will visit your homepage to know more about you.

6. Keep your Profile Complete : Fill your profile with relevant info; ensuring that your “About” section has suitable keywords. Also ensure that your profile is linked with your other social networking profiles with a cleat back-link to your website. Finally, keep your profile visibility open to all by making it “Public”.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Is Google Glass a Brighter Prospect For Adult Content Marketing ?

Google Glass, the new augmented reality eye-wear from Google is all set to change the face of adult marketing, change our individual perspective towards the world and initiate a revolution. However, there have also been talks over the issues Google Glass may lead to in regard to user privacy. Although these negative possibilities can't be ignored but its also pretty clear that Google Glass benefits would outweigh these negatives to a large extent.

Google Glass Significance for Adult Content Marketing...

If one considers the different brighter prospects for improved content marketing, then the impact of Google Glass can never be under-estimated. 90 percent of Google's revenue is dependent on advertising. Hence, it can be well-said that they are focusing on finding all the innovative ways to incorporate superior quality apps and content into their search specs experience. Better Google Glass experience will require quality content.

One also needs to consider the effects of pop-up ads which could be a terrible eyesore. Imagine a small window that opens up into a world thickly populated with floating advertisement boards. Consider a scenario where you drive down the street wearing your stylish Google Glasses, while also cursing your car as it ceases frequently. What's the outcome ? Auto Trader classifieds featuring available motors will start popping up to your rescue.

One important fact digital marketers and app developers will require considering is the importance of the choice made by Google Glass wearer. Consider an app for theater going people; this app would make effective comparison of the ticket prices while people are watching the program of their choice. Would it also not be great when you get to watch the trailers of your favorite movies using your Google Glasses.

Multiple business related possibilities also exist. To sum up, it can be said that due to Google Glass, there would be new vistas opening up for digital marketers and app developers that are dedicated to quality content. Get more information about adult content services, kindly click here