Social media is changing the manner in which we share information, form our identities and relate to one another. There are a few social media psychology studies that reveal the ways in which adult website marketing can become smarter and better. Let's take a deeper look into these crucial studies -
1. Being Conscious About your Posts – Its quite common for almost all of us to feel bit uneasy before publishing something new. While sometimes it may lead to an innovative breakthrough, at other times, you may think of changing your mind. Its a fact that when people feel their audience to be hard to define, they tend to self-censor more. In such situation, its recommended that you should try developing persona if you want to get a better understanding of your audience.
2. Effect of Sharing Emotions Online – In person-to-person settings, emotions can be contagious. For example, a study done to analyze the emotional content of Facebook posts on rainy days revealed that gloomy rainy day emotions were being transmitted among friends. Also it was found that even positivity is more contagious. To have the best marketing results, ensure that your messaging is positive so that customers are happy.
3. Impact of Profile Picture – Its rightly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. A recent research has proved that we draw conclusions about different people by judging them on the basis of their profile picture; amazingly it takes less than a second to arrive at a conclusion. Research has proved that even a slight variation in the facial expression can dramatically change the way in which the image is perceived. So, its recommended to test your profile picture first on professional social networks.
4. Sharing Selectively Depends on Demographics – Around 24% of global social media users share almost everything online, while 19% share nothing. Its been found that people with the over-sharing tendency are more in countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America while the under-sharing tendency was more in people in European countries. So, for a better know-how about the social sharing of your content, you need to consider the demographics.
5. Getting Social Feedback – Social networking sites like Facebook give immediate reminders to people about their social relationships besides allowing them communicate whenever they like to. Research has also proved that users get to feel more connected by actively participating on social media sites and getting responses. So, you should devote some time to join suitable conversations where you can add some value.
6. Arousal Leading to Social Sharing – Its already known that a content that arouses strong feelings is more prone to sharing. Emotional arousal effectively activates our nervous system that further gets us all fired up. Sharing offers the way to get released from this state. So, you need to awe your targeted audience with usefulness, or you can also use a captivating story to bowl them over.
7. Talking About Ourselves – We all love talking to our inner selves. It has been revealed by studies that around 80% social media posts are related to announcements about the immediate experiences different people undergo at different time periods. For best results, marketers need to work on building more strong advocates and talking less about ourselves.