Monday, 22 December 2014

3 Common SEO Mistakes Leading To Adult Site Penalty

Black hat techniques, carelessness and more; there are a number of reasons for your escort website getting hit by Google penalty. Most experienced adult website SEO services provider ensure to avoid committing the common mistakes that land a site into the Google penalty trouble. Let's take a closer look at these common mistakes.

Linking at Random – Its common for businesses to establish relationships with other businesses. In an endeavor to fetch more traffic, you may go for creating links & linking with other businesses. Such link trade may prove to be harmful for your website as well as for the one whom your site links to.

For example, if a website places a footer link to your website, your website may get tonnes of links; however, it may become problematic later, even attracting a Google penalty if your website has some harmful backlinks. In such a case, the only solution would be to remove the footer link.

Affiliate Linking – It has been rightly said that affiliate linking can either save SEO or drown it. Normally, firms can engage in affiliate linking without fearing for penalty as these are spam free. However, if this is done without any proper planning, results that follow may be hurting. You must be aware of the safe methods for conducting affiliate linking, take a look below -

  • For conducting 100% of the affiliate program, ensure using a reliable affiliate relationship provider.
  • For large affiliate providers, you need to have a dedicated landing page
  • For maintaining your site's integrity, keep testing all your affiliate links on a routine basis. If any broken links are detected, create a permanent redirect.

Influencer Outreach – Being a powerful SEO strategy, influencer outreach works well at times. In this, you find & then reach out the major influencer of your niche with the motive of getting better link juice, audience besides other advantages. However, if a low-authority niche is being targeted, the backlinks may compromise the website.

So, the link value from such influencers may actually ruin your website's SEO. To be on the safer side, you need to pick your targets very carefully while running such a campaign. However, when left with no option other than to pitch a low authority niche, you must follow tips given below -
  • Tell influencers to employ no-follow links
  • Create a particular landing page for influencer outreach. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Biggest SEO Mistakes Of Adult Websites : Top 4

Going through the different escort websites on the web will reveal an array of blunders. Its crucial to have info about these blunders as its only through this way that you can take preventive measures to avoid the same happening in your escort website. Let's take a deeper look at these adult SEO blunders.

1. Dull & Boring Website – Having a poor escort website design is one of the most biggest mistakes that is moreover becoming common with the websites of startup adult businesses. Usability & content are two most crucial elements that need consideration and when both of these are right, your website gains the right importance it deserves.

For the usability aspect, you need to ensure that your site has the an attractive design with intuitive navigation. Content part is set right by using proper informative blogs, articles, web pages etc., with focus on providing enhanced user experience. Fresh, original content is always preferred by readers and so without it you are preparing to get outranked by your competitors.

2. Using Bad Ads – Services like Google Adsense create hideous looking ads that users never prefer to look at. It can be said that ads may serve as a crucial segment of a well-designed website; however, those hideous text ads are bad and cannot bring the same charm. If you want to incorporate ads, make sure to do it intelligently so that the end result is better conversion and profitability.

3. On-site SEO Incomplete – Having a gorgeous website is not enough; you need to complete the on-site SEO part as well, which if left incomplete is another terrible mistake. You can follow a few tips to ensure that the process is done complete. Firstly, you need to be clear about your website, putting across all details related to what your site is all about. Also, the keyword stuffing tactics are no more longer valid in the current time and so ensure that you use the keywords sparingly. Keep a consistent content message to ensure that you directly communicate with your core customers.

4. Avoiding Long Tail Keywords –
Being more descriptive in nature, long tail keywords bring out the core of the search query and hence these have become a preferred search element in SEO. If you are still using the generic terms, you are again making another big mistake. Go for the long tail keywords as these bring more possibility of conversion by providing the user precisely what they have been looking for.

Get more information about SEO service for adult website, visit here -

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Reasons Why Professional Adult SEO Services May Cost you Higher

Are you looking to hire an adult SEO agency ? Well, if you are, then definitely you must know the types of service providers that you may come across. Majorly, there are two types of SEO agencies, professional and amateur. In context to a professional SEO agency, it can be said that such agencies have real interest in the firms they work with.

Such companies are not working merely for making money; rather they want to build long term relationships with the client by providing them real value for their money. On the other hand, an amateur SEO agency moreover keeps making commitments as they have weak control over the actual campaign. Also, professional SEO is expensive, as is evident from the following 2 facts-

1. Link Audits are Costly – As a process, link auditing involves inspection of all inbound links coming to a website in order to identify the bad ones. Though there is no dearth of automated software solutions that can do this task, you cannot rely on its results for accuracy. Link auditing is a tedious and time consuming process that should be ideally performed by experienced professionals. As for the pricing aspect, a site-wide audit may cost you several thousand dollars.

2. Total Clean-up of Links More Expensive – In case a large number of toxic links are detected during the link audit process, you will have to remove them. Webmasters have the leverage to disavow backlinks that seem harmful. You will have to manually request removal of such bad links if you wish to regain your website rankings. Just like link auditing, link removal consumes a lot of time elapsed in reaching the respective site owners and requesting them to remove the links. Its such complexity involved in this process that makes it so expensive.

Always Hire Professional Adult SEO Services...

Your website not showing in the search results simply means no site visitors anymore. It can happen to a website in case it does not comply with Google's guidelines. If your SEO agency is using spammy techniques for promotion, then there is a high chance that your website may also face something like that in future. However, with a professional adult SEO agency, you can always rest assured of favorable results for your website. So, it becomes a must to prefer a professional adult SEO company than an amateur one.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

5 Misconceptions About Adult SEO Practices Discussed

Ever since Google has started rolling its updates, several finer aspects related to adult SEO have changed. What used to provide good & favorable results earlier may now cause damage to your adult online marketing efforts in the current time. There are a number of misconceptions about adult SEO that need to be discussed. Let's take a look at them in detail -

1. Rankings Matter the Most – Rankings hold not much significance unless they direct you to some other more crucial metrics. Its leads, sales, traffic and profits that actually matters. Just like humans are dependent on food, the sustainability & growth of a business are moreover dependent on profits. You should never ignore rankings but only focusing on these can divert you from your real goal. Rather than concentrating on the rankings, you need to focus on your most profitable products/ services, modifying your website via conversion rate optimization, ways to optimizing your website for executing your keyword strategy etc.

2. Google Prefers Content – “More is the content on your adult site, better are the chances of your website becoming popular”; this saying is moreover irrelevant as Google actually prefers quality content only. High quality content in small amount is more effective than bad quality content in large volumes. Better quality content provides value to users and is thus shared on social media and also linked by other sites.

3. Ranking for Top Keywords – Conventional SEO practices focus on the concept of golden keywords for generating maximum traffic. For example, you have been number one for a keyword “India SEO” but after some time stopped focusing on this keyword when you found that that keyword accounted for not more than 3% of the your combined search traffic. Optimizing for long tail phrases like “hire SEO company in India” will prove to be more effective compared to a short one as such long phrases are specifically to what the user is looking for.

4. Maximum Links are an Advantage – Just like is the case with content, its the quality of inbound links that matters rather than the quantity. Bad quality links may only bring damaged rankings or even a Google penalty. So, natural link building must be the priority.

5. SEO Can be Effective & Affordable – Spending less than $2000 every month on SEO may not bring expected results for your business. Better results are visible only when you either spend more than this amount or work exhaustively on this with your in-house team.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Making Your Adult Web Marketing Better With 7 Social Media Psychology Studies

Social media is changing the manner in which we share information, form our identities and relate to one another. There are a few social media psychology studies that reveal the ways in which adult website marketing can become smarter and better. Let's take a deeper look into these crucial studies - 

1. Being Conscious About your Posts – Its quite common for almost all of us to feel bit uneasy before publishing something new. While sometimes it may lead to an innovative breakthrough, at other times, you may think of changing your mind. Its a fact that when people feel their audience to be hard to define, they tend to self-censor more. In such situation, its recommended that you should try developing persona if you want to get a better understanding of your audience.

2. Effect of Sharing Emotions Online – In person-to-person settings, emotions can be contagious. For example, a study done to analyze the emotional content of Facebook posts on rainy days revealed that gloomy rainy day emotions were being transmitted among friends. Also it was found that even positivity is more contagious. To have the best marketing results, ensure that your messaging is positive so that customers are happy.

3. Impact of Profile Picture – Its rightly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. A recent research has proved that we draw conclusions about different people by judging them on the basis of their profile picture; amazingly it takes less than a second to arrive at a conclusion. Research has proved that even a slight variation in the facial expression can dramatically change the way in which the image is perceived. So, its recommended to test your profile picture first on professional social networks.

4. Sharing Selectively Depends on Demographics – Around 24% of global social media users share almost everything online, while 19% share nothing. Its been found that people with the over-sharing tendency are more in countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America while the under-sharing tendency was more in people in European countries. So, for a better know-how about the social sharing of your content, you need to consider the demographics.

5. Getting Social Feedback – Social networking sites like Facebook give immediate reminders to people about their social relationships besides allowing them communicate whenever they like to. Research has also proved that users get to feel more connected by actively participating on social media sites and getting responses. So, you should devote some time to join suitable conversations where you can add some value.

6. Arousal Leading to Social Sharing – Its already known that a content that arouses  strong feelings is more prone to sharing. Emotional arousal effectively activates our nervous system that further gets us all fired up. Sharing offers the way to get released from this state. So, you need to awe your targeted audience with usefulness, or you can also use a captivating story to bowl them over.

7. Talking About Ourselves –
We all love talking to our inner selves. It has been revealed by studies that around 80% social media posts are related to announcements about the immediate experiences different people undergo at different time periods. For best results, marketers need to work on building more strong advocates and talking less about ourselves.

Monday, 13 October 2014

How To Use Pinterest In Your Adult Online Marketing Plan : 6 Ways

An effective social networking tool, Pinterest allows users share images of their choice. No doubt, Pinterest is indeed one of the quickest growing social networking sites; whats more impressive is that Pinterest users spend double the amount as to what is spent by Facebook users. Its quite easy to use and there are multiple ways in which you can make use of it for effective adult online marketing. Let's take a look at number of ways through which you can use it in your adult online marketing plan -

1. Engage New Users : Pinterest is quite similar to Twitter as sharing something works the same way as does re-tweeting. Using Pinterest, you can pin, comment and share images that will drive traffic, generate better leads and boost sales. When you share content, you are not only interacting with current followers but also exposing your pins to more & more people. People will view your details below your pin to accordingly visit your homepage.

2. Develop Useful Content : Creating interesting content is an art. However, you can always search the internet for sharable images besides using the engaging content available on other social networking sites for the same. You can also use the visuals available on some bookmarking sites for incorporating in your Pinterest board.

3. Open Opportunities for Inviting People : You can open boards to other Pinterest users to boost user interaction as this may include your potential customers into your marketing campaign. You can gain a real insight into what the users are experiencing when you ask them to pin content on the board. You can also create a tribute pin-board by selecting some of your preferred pinners.

4. Use for Market Research : You need to make note of what your customers are following. Alternatively, you can also create an open board based on a particular theme and encourage followers to fill relevant images in it. This will provide you better insight into different images & visuals that your customers are finding inspiring.

5. Establish Communication with Followers : For this, you need to maintain an active profile. Interacting with followers in a positive manner will maintain & improve your existing relations. When everyone you follow is notified of all your activities, then there are maximum chances that they will visit your homepage to know more about you.

6. Keep your Profile Complete : Fill your profile with relevant info; ensuring that your “About” section has suitable keywords. Also ensure that your profile is linked with your other social networking profiles with a cleat back-link to your website. Finally, keep your profile visibility open to all by making it “Public”.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Is Google Glass a Brighter Prospect For Adult Content Marketing ?

Google Glass, the new augmented reality eye-wear from Google is all set to change the face of adult marketing, change our individual perspective towards the world and initiate a revolution. However, there have also been talks over the issues Google Glass may lead to in regard to user privacy. Although these negative possibilities can't be ignored but its also pretty clear that Google Glass benefits would outweigh these negatives to a large extent.

Google Glass Significance for Adult Content Marketing...

If one considers the different brighter prospects for improved content marketing, then the impact of Google Glass can never be under-estimated. 90 percent of Google's revenue is dependent on advertising. Hence, it can be well-said that they are focusing on finding all the innovative ways to incorporate superior quality apps and content into their search specs experience. Better Google Glass experience will require quality content.

One also needs to consider the effects of pop-up ads which could be a terrible eyesore. Imagine a small window that opens up into a world thickly populated with floating advertisement boards. Consider a scenario where you drive down the street wearing your stylish Google Glasses, while also cursing your car as it ceases frequently. What's the outcome ? Auto Trader classifieds featuring available motors will start popping up to your rescue.

One important fact digital marketers and app developers will require considering is the importance of the choice made by Google Glass wearer. Consider an app for theater going people; this app would make effective comparison of the ticket prices while people are watching the program of their choice. Would it also not be great when you get to watch the trailers of your favorite movies using your Google Glasses.

Multiple business related possibilities also exist. To sum up, it can be said that due to Google Glass, there would be new vistas opening up for digital marketers and app developers that are dedicated to quality content. Get more information about adult content services, kindly click here

Friday, 5 September 2014

How Social Media & Content Marketing Contribute To Success Of Adult Business Websites

In the present time, having a website for your business is a must and so it would not be wrong to say that if you don't have one, your online presence is nil. Social media marketing plays a crucial role in a site's visibility on search engines and so its a must;  especially when your business is adult-oriented. Google's search algorithms may have a friendly approach for general quality content; however, same is not the case when its about adult content. 

Social Media Platforms Best Suited for Adult Website Digital Footprints

Facebook is a popular social networking site used by millions of users across the globe. However, it is not the ideal site to make your digital footprint. There are two reasons behind it. Firstly, its a fact that not everyone is open enough about their sexual preferences on Facebook as liking, sharing or making comments on adult-oriented posts is not that comfortable & easy for most people.

Even if they like your personal page, its not necessary that they are also seeing your posts. There is no means of posting on your Facebook page if those posts are not viewed by your followers or potential followers. So, its recommended to go for other platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Google+ and Reddit as well besides just Facebook.

Investing in Social Media & Content Marketing Really Pays Off

Ignoring online ads is a common tendency that people are accustomed to these days. However, people do take special notice of quality content, photos and so you should insert keywords in social messages with due care. It must be specially ensured that no links to products are used in your social media messages as these lead to unnecessary spam which users never prefer.

You can always use captivating photos that link to your website to attract more potential customers. Well-written content having links to your offered products & services can do the trick effectively. But it must also be understood that social media and content marketing are not as easy as they may seem to be. Making correct use of keywords and meta descriptions demands for proper know-how that is available only with an experienced social media marketing company these days. Get more information - SEO services for adult websites .

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Social Media - The Preferred Tool for Porn Websites Promotion

The rising wave of social has proved to be quite advantageous for common users as well as businesses. A number of effective ways exist using which businesses can promote themselves on social networking channels like Facebook, Twitter etc. Same applies to porn sites promotion as well. Several porn site owners have found social media as the best tool for promotion of their sites. If you are a porn site owner and want heavy traffic for your site, then having a social media strategy to promote your porn site can actually help. A crucial part of your social strategy is to make social media pages for your site and update them on a regular basis.

As far as updating the site is concerned, you can use effective promotional content in the form of short blogs, and articles. Blogging has been a boon for porn site owners that want to make the most out of social media and content. Using Infographics is another good option in this regard. Ensure to keep the length of blog, article as short as possible while ensuring that the element of uniqueness remains there in every content you post. Further, you can also share pornographic images and adult videos on the pages to attract maximum traffic to your website. For the updating part, you can make that happen twice a week or on an alternate basis.

However, you must also ensure that your social media strategy for promoting your porn site is in sync with your actual business goals and relevant enough for attracting your targeted audience. It has been found through reports that social media craze is highest among the school & college going students. The popularity shrinks further with increasing age group but people in the adult age group of 30-50 are also found active on social networking channels. You will need to identify the trends across the web to have a better understanding of the preferences of your targeted audience. Your porn site promotion strategy using social media will be a great success then.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Great Ideas To Increase the Visibility of Your Website

Knowing more about the SEO process leads to favorable results for your website. Its better to get in-depth understanding of the involved aspects to make the most out of SEO for your site. Content plays a crucial role in deciding the ranking of your website. So, its always recommended to get more of short articles written than the long ones. It is mainly due to the fact that shorter articles get more importance from the search engines compared to the longer ones. Longer articles are also not that necessary as their length creates bit of boredom to the reader, thus causing the users to give up reading it just after one page.

Patience always plays its part as expecting changes for your website overnight is never wise. Results cannot be expected for almost months if your site is a brand new one. Catching users attention and maintaining your visitors to stay long on your site will definitely help to improve your search engine ranking. Ensure to have meaningful keywords in your website URL as search engines may have problem in understanding dynamic language. Using blogs with fresh & high quality content will also prove helpful to optimize your website rankings.

Get the most optimal keywords into your page title as title needs to be quite relevant & interesting to create a strong impression in the minds of the visitors. Include description for your business type in the URL to make it easily searchable. You can use a site-map to link your whole website besides increasing its visibility in the search engines. The site map will enable the search engine to index the pages of your site. Using transcripts while hosting audio/video content on your website will allow search engines to categorize your content and list it accordingly.

Do remember to register your site for major search engines as it is not automatically done. Using captions that are in relevance to your keyword  will also help optimize your search engine rankings. To take leverage of free publicity for increased website traffic, have a listing with Google and Yahoo. You can use these effective tips to enable your site reach a better position in the search engine results. For more information click here.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Escort SEO Essential to Improve your Escort Website Ranking

Having an escort website, you will definitely want it to rank higher in the search engine results. It is also important as without having a proper ranking on major search engines, your website will not be able to reach the targeted audience. Currently, there are abundant escort websites available over the web that leads to stiff competition in this sphere. Moreover, users prefer to visit & explore the site that appears in the top pages of search engine results, and that makes SEO for your escort site a must. Its fairly evident that unless you have considerable traffic to your escort website, you cannot expect it to drive maximum profits.

Do you know that escort SEO enables your escort website gain better ranking in search engines like Google, Bing, MSN etc ? Its also good to be aware of the Escort SEO services that are available. Escort SEO domain includes escort web design, escorting marketing, website promotion, articles posting on relevant sites, applicable etc. As for SEO strategies, these include web page indexing, eliminating hurdles in the path of indexing activities, increasing number of relevant keywords etc.

A good escort website includes animation, alluring graphics, eye-catching images, shopping carts and some other elements so that it can fetch the attention of targeted users. Its good to keep these elements in mind while getting your escort website designed & developed. However, to make your website more effective in attracting users, you must hire a professional escort SEO firm.

An experienced escort SEO company will have the professionals who will refine your website content with proper usage of keywords to optimize it on leading search engines. These professionals identify the needs & expectations of clients and then dedicate their  efforts accordingly to make the client's site more easier to reach for the targeted users. If you desire to outscore your competitors, you need to get your escort website designed, developed & optimized by proficient professionals. For more information visit :

Monday, 27 January 2014

Looking For Adult Content Writing Services For Your Adult Business?

In the business of Search Engine Optimization, the content plays a key role. The reason being that it is the content on the website that informs the reader about the products and services that you are offering. The more clear and lucid is the content the better are the chances of the website ranking high on the search engines.

So whether it is the website content, blogs, articles, press releases or any other type of content, the fact is that the written word speaks volumes about the product being sold or the services being offered. When the case is that of the adult content writing the scenario is quite different. Here care has to be taken that the content written is not obscene and vulgar so that rather than attracting the visitor and converting him into a customer the content simply drives him away.

If you are looking for Professional adult content writing services than it has to be understood that there is a thin line that demarcates an excellent copy from the vulgar one. Many might believe that the overuse of the colloquially used words like sex and nudity brings in more customers but in fact the case is  entirely different. Such words might be able to pull the visitor but would definitely not convert him into a customer. They would not in any way compel him to purchase the products and the services offered by you. The plain reason is that by using such words and phrases you are not being different from the other adult websites. In fact there is a deluge of such websites on the net and you are not in any way helping yourself in being different.

The question is then how to write the right adult content. Well! The answer is simple. Make the content all the more decent and presentable. Do not allow your content to be classified as obscene or vulgar. Such content after a while becomes boring and allergic. If you are really interested in getting the maximum traffic to your website and maximum conversions then your content should be easy and tantalizing. It should provoke the customer to delve deeper into the website and further read the other pages. The words should be used very carefully so that they do not offend the laws governing the issue. Once again the key is the tantalizing content. The adult content should be tantalizing and bewitching so that it compels the reader to go further.